Xopero Blog

Backup – How to protect ourselves

How to protect ourselves

It can be seen that cybercriminals are motivated by money and all computer users, without any exceptions, are vulnerable. If you get attacked by a ransomware virus, first switch your computer off. Some malicious software first shows the message concerning infection and then it encrypts our files. In such case we can prevent the encryption of at least some data. Files should then be restored by connecting the disc to a different computer, which hasn’t been connected to the network in order to eliminate for the virus the possibility to connect with the CnC server. Without this it is unable to encrypt files.

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Backup – a solution for ransomware

Malware, classified today as ransomware (combination of words ransom and software) became a widely discussed topic already a few years ago. In 2013, the most famous virus belonging to this category – CryptoLocker – allowed its creators to “earn” as much as 27 million dollars during its first attack. According to the estimations of McAfee Labs, during one campaign of sending CyptoLocker criminals are able to get even 325 million dollars. Even FBI did not avoid the attack and ransom demand.

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Dispelling the Myths About Cloud Backups

Cloud computing technologies, especially in SaaS model (Software as a Service), are beginning to play an increasingly important role in the corporate reality. With their popularisation, entrepreneurs are also beginning to wonder whether it is worth to move other key business processes to the cloud. Today, cloud backup is among the most frequently considered options. But this immediately raises some concerns – is this a reasonable solution to the problem?

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Xopero Abroad – Team Italia

The fact that Polish companies are conquering foreign markets should be emphasised as often as possible – especially in the context of the technology industry, the development of which is now highly influenced by Polish enterprises. Over the last years, thanks to hard work and commitment of the best employees, Xopero has been expanding its business horizons, reaching the sunny Italy in 2016.

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Endpoint protection matters…

As we often say in IT, all computer users can be divided into two groups. The first group consists of those who archive data, since they have once lost it. The second includes users who do not backup their data yet, because serious data loss is still ahead of them.

This little humorous saying is confirmed by experience of many IT administrators and regular users. Many of us start to think about the safety of our data once we lose it. Meanwhile, backups are one of the best, cheapest and surest ways to protect critical data from loss.

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