Xopero Blog

Running Kubernetes on VMware vSphere

If you work in the IT industry, you’ve probably heard the term “Kubernetes,” which is typically used in association with containers technology. Containers may be really beneficial when it comes to developing apps. Kubernetes was intended to address many of the issues that come with deploying applications, most notably by automating and orchestrating deployments and availability. In this article, we will take a closer look at how Kubernetes works with VMware and how to deploy Kubernetes on VMware infrastructure.

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How to use VMware vSphere automation with PowerCLI – first steps

The scale of a virtualized environment might vary greatly. As a system administrator, you probably know that it’s critical to set it up consistently and automate as many processes as possible – no matter the actual size. 

If you’re using VMware ESX / ESXi hypervisors with vCenter as your management software, you already have a lot of automated options at your disposal to help you keep your infrastructure running smoothly. In this article, we will talk about VMware vSphere PowerCLI, which is an automation tool for Microsoft’s Windows PowerShell command-line tool.

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Intro to the virtualization: types, benefits, and disadvantages you should consider

Virtual machines stormed the IT world, bringing new ways of running IT environments. In a world where the amount of data gathered, transformed, and stored skyrocketed, there sprouted a need for more powerful hardware or optimization of usage of the existing one. And there the VMs are a great solution. In this article, we will discuss the types of virtualization. We will also take a closer look at the benefits and downsides of virtualization and virtualizing your infrastructure. 

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Upgrading vSphere. Product from VMware, is already in version 7.

vSphere, as a comprehensive virtualization product from VMware, is already in version 7. While carrying out the process of updating significant patches of a given version marked with the letter “u” it is a virtually fully automated process, intuitive, and relatively safe. On the other hand, carrying out an upgrade from a lower to a higher version, on the other hand, is already dependent on many factors.

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VMware and why is it such a power on the market

VMware is currently leading the way on the market, and this is an unquestionable claim. Suffice it to say that, according to some statistics, VMware’s share in the hypervisor market exceeds 70%. But what really makes vSphere such a desirable product, and where does its strength come from? Are its technologies such as High Availability, or maybe we, the customers, decide about the power of this product?

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Can I delete the VSWP file in VMware?

The simplest answer is yes, you can delete VSWP files. But you should rather ask if you really want to do it? At this time you probably figured out that VSWP is going to be the main topic of this article. We will start with answering what these files really are and why in most cases, their removal is challenging by the VMware hypervisor? Then we will move forward.

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vCenter, vSphere, ESXi, and the power of VMware

VMware has many products in its portfolio that are aimed at various users, companies, and various projects. If our main goal is to build a virtual environment, the combination of ESXi, vCenter and vSphere products is what we are looking for. The very planning and implementation of the virtual environment are as important as taking care of its proper backup after startup – and that we should never forget.

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VMware and the 1/3 rule

Currently, we can risk a statement that not only global corporations but also medium and small companies decide to introduce the principle of dividing infrastructure into three parts. What does it really mean, and why do so many in the IT industry praise such a solution? 

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VMware – which product to choose?

VMware is a company that owes its success to its virtualization products. Currently, the company’s portfolio includes solutions aimed at infrastructure virtualization, clouding, cybersecurity, disaster recovery, and much much more. In addition, speaking only about the Hyper-Converged Infrastructure department, we must bear in mind that VMware provides several different solutions. The question is obvious, which is the product for me?

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