Xopero ONE 1.8.0: UX… we did it! New Onboarding Experience: Faster, more efficient, more friendly

We are constantly improving our solution to meet users’ expectations and provide the best options for securing their businesses. In the latest version of Xopero ONE 1.8.0, we’ve introduced a range of improvements that further enhance security and simplify data management. We invite you to discover the latest changes and new features we’ve prepared for you in this update!

Welcome Onboard – a completely NEW onboarding experience

If you are not yet our customer, or you want to test Xopero ONE in the field again – get ready for some big changes! If you decide to go with on-premise service, you will initially see a screen directing you to install an agent and add a storage. In case of  SaaS deployment or Xopero Unified Protection the above is already added, so in the first step you will see a whole list of possible resources to secure. What’s more, the connection itself will take literally a moment!

UX… we did it again! 

Although the process was created with new users in mind, we couldn’t forget about those of you who already use Xopero ONE – our prominent, loyal customers.

We have made it easier to add new services or secure more resources. Because, as you probably know, we are constantly expanding our solution to protect every data that matters. But more on that later… 

Now, let’s see what’s waiting for you in the app today!

Context Menu 

After logging in, you probably noticed that the upper blue bar, which contains the context menu for the currently visible subpage, has also undergone visible changes. Now setting up a new backup plan or adding new services to protect is faster and easier. We have also moved the language setting to the User’s action and provided an easy way to upgrade or purchase licenses.

Backup policy configuration – little change, huge difference

Finally! From v. 1.8.0, you start defining new backup plan with choosing resources you want to protect. A simple change, logical arrangement, and such a convenience! It’s one of those little changes that make a huge difference.

Xopero ONE 1.8.0

Default enryption key brings new security level

To increase the security of user data, encryption is enabled by default for each new backup plan. For this purpose, a default encryption key is generated, which can be viewed only once at the time of its creation.

Faster, more efficient, more friendly. In one word – IMPROVED! 

It’s not over yet! Version 1.8.0 introduces many improvements to enhance the speed, efficiency and performance of our software. Here are some of them:

SaaS Service autoscaling

No more RAM limitations in SaaS services! From this release, when RAM limit is not enough to perform the operation, the service will automatically send a request which, after our approval, will assign more resources. Additionally, we have introduced optimizations that will improve the release of used RAM and thus reduce its consumption, which will positively impact not only SaaS users, but also on-premise and Xopero Unified Protection customers.

Time zone support in backup plans

Another improvement in this release is the addition of time zone support in backup plans. From now on, you can set the time zone in a backup plan schedule. Of course, changes from summer to winter time and vice versa have also been taken into account – no more changing schedules during each shift!

Better handling of symbolic links

We have improved the way symbolic links are handled by adding a setting where the user can specify whether the agent should follow symbolic links (which means that the file and directories the symlink points to will also be backed up) or should not follow symlinks (which means that only the symbolic link will be backed up, not the content it points). 

Faster restore of deduplicated data 

In this release, we have also improved the process of restoring deduplicated data from cloud storage. Data restore will be significantly faster for file and Microsoft 365 copies, which will be performed by the 1.8.0 agent (and all later releases).

Other improvements

  • Preserving agent configuration during upgrade
  • SLA reports available through Slack notifications 
  • Improved data storage management
  • & more

Full changelog available here.

We invite you to explore the latest features of Xopero ONE, which allow for even better management of backups and data protection. Try them out yourself – log in to your Xopero ONE account or start a free trial.