Epsilon Red / Bug in Microsoft PatchGuard / Necro Python bot
Welcome to the Xopero Security Center! What technological news has captured the imagination of IT specialists and geeks around the world? There were quite a few of them, but we have selected four (plus 10 extra) most interesting. Today’s release opens the new strain of Barebones ransomware called Epsilon Red. Marvel’s comic book fans will probably be familiar with this name. What makes this “villain” different from other threats? Namely, the fact that it is basing the attack chain on PowerShell scripts. Another topic concerns vulnerabilities in Microsoft PatchGuard. The newly detected bug allows attackers to load malicious code directly into the Windows kernel. We also describe the changes that took place inside the Necro Python bot. The latest update brings a number of fresh features as well as exploits for 10 applications – including VMware. The last article is about malicious ads visible on the Google network that can be delivered to your computers by the info stealer.
Enough small talk it’s time to check the whole post.
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