Immutable Backup – What Is It & Why You Need It?

In today’s digital landscape, data is invaluable, especially in ensuring organizational business continuity and regulatory compliance. Downtime in large organizations or factories can cost up to millions of dollars per minute… there is no doubt that providing uncompromised data protection, which is backup, is mandatory and just pays off. One of the most reliable ways to ensure data security and cyber resilience is immutable backups for critical data. What exactly are immutable backups and how can they benefit your organization? And what about traditional backup? In this comprehensive guide, I’ll explore the concept of immutable backups, their benefits, and how we can help you implement an effective backup strategy.

 Immutable backup – what this means and how it works?

Immutable backup is backup file that cannot be altered, deleted, or modified in any way. Once the backup is created, it remains in its original state until its “lock” period expires. This guarantees the integrity of the data and protects against accidental (or purpose) deletion, data corruption, and malicious attacks – more use cases I explain a little lower in the article.

WORM (Write Once Read Many) technology is responsible for the backup immutability and used to keep data safe and unchanged. In practice, even if ransomware gets into the company infrastructure it will not be able to encrypt or somehow change the backed up data in the storage. Nowadays rarely used DVD-R or CD-R optical discs were also WORM “storages” – probably most of us have experienced these things 😉

Immutable backups usually have an expiration date. Why not use immutability for everything and keep it turned on indefinitely to prevent accidental data deletion? Having it for too long can lead to unnecessary storage consumption and increased costs, while too short expiration date can lead to data loss – each option is not appropriate.

Pros of implementing immutable backups

Enhance data security

Immutable backups enhance data security by preventing changes to backup data. This is particularly important in protecting against ransomware attacks, where attackers may attempt to alter or delete backups. Implementing immutable backups is a vital part of a comprehensive data protection strategy. It ensures that your data remains secure and recoverable, even in the face of threats.

Ensure data integrity

By ensuring that data cannot be modified once it is stored, immutable backups maintain the integrity of backup data. With this technology, you will not overwrite the file or lose important changes. This is essential for reliable data recovery.

Meeting compliance and legal requirements

Many industries have stringent compliance and legal requirements for data retention and protection. Especially medical, financial sector or government agencies – immutable backups help these organizations meet requirements by providing a secure and unchangeable data to archive.

Reducing downtime with immutable backups

Moreover, the deployment of immutable backups can significantly reduce downtime during data recovery processes. By having a reliable, unalterable backup, businesses can swiftly restore operations, minimizing the impact on business continuity. This is particularly critical in sectors where every minute of downtime translates to significant financial loss – well, as you can see, cost-effectiveness is another advantage 😉

It should also be mentioned that the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recommends using immutable backups along with encryption to enhance protection against ransomware threats.

Things to watch out when implementing immutable backup

While immutable backups offer significant advantages in terms of data security and integrity, there are several potential drawbacks to consider. Fortunately, they are repairable and mostly refer to the too long period time of immutability:

Increased storage costs

Immutable backups cannot be altered or deleted once they are created, which can lead to significant storage requirements over time. The inability to delete outdated or redundant backups can result in higher storage costs – therefore, keep in mind a reasonable time of data immutability.

Data sprawl

As data accumulates due to the inability to modify or delete backups, organizations may experience data sprawl. This can make it challenging to manage and organize data, increasing the workload for storage administrators and IT teams. Remember to make immutable backups only for critical data If you do not have enough storage space.

Complex management

Managing immutable backups can be more complex compared to traditional backups. Ensuring that the retention policies are appropriate and that storage resources are optimally used requires careful planning and ongoing management.

Limited flexibility

The immutability feature restricts the ability to modify or delete backups, which can be a disadvantage in scenarios where data needs to be updated or removed due to changes in business requirements or data policies.


Comparing immutable to traditional backups

With immutable backup you will not protect all of your data (technically you can, but I highly do not recommend it) – “traditional” professional backup should also be present in the company, especially to protect non-critical data. Traditional backup, while useful, have limitations: it is susceptible to modification, deletion, and corruption, which can compromise data integrity and recovery efforts for super important data. Immutable backup overcome these limitations by ensuring that backup files remain unaltered. This provides a higher level of data protection and reliability.
As you can see there is no perfect single solution. Comparing the pros and cons of each type of backup, the best choice is to use “day-to-day” traditional backups along with a separate immutable storage for critical data.


Use cases of using immutable backups

I have already mentioned about the use cases of using immutable backup solutions. Let’s have a closer look at it! Below are some scenarios:

Ransomware protection

A company’s network is compromised by ransomware, which encrypts data (usually backups are also under attack!) and demands a ransom for decryption. Immutable backups ensure that even if primary data is encrypted by ransomware, the backup remains secure and unaltered. This allows for a swift recovery without paying the ransom.

Regulatory compliance

Financial institutions, healthcare providers, and other regulated industries need to comply with strict data retention policies. Immutable backup guarantees that data is preserved in its original state for the required duration, meeting regulatory mandates for data integrity and retention.

Security audits

An organization needs to ensure that its data has not been tampered with for legal or auditing purposes. With immutable backup solution, organizations can provide proof that their data remains unchanged since the time of backup, ensuring data integrity for legal and audit compliance.

Accidental deletion or human error

An employee accidentally deletes important backups or overwrites crucial data? it would have tragic consequences. Immutable backup will not allow to delete them, keeping away from reputational damage, legal consequences for the company and the employees who did it.

Data corruption

Software bugs or hardware malfunctions lead to data corruption in the primary storage. Immutable backup ensures that a clean, uncorrupted version of the data is always available for recovery.

Long-term data archiving

A company needs to archive data for long-term storage and future reference. Immutable backup provides a reliable method for long-term data archiving, ensuring that data remains unchanged and accessible over time.

Third-party cyber attacks

External cyber attackers gain access to the network and attempt to delete or alter backup data. Immutable backup prevents alteration or deletion and unauthorized reading files, safeguarding data against external threats.


How to implement immutable backup solution? Best practices

Assessing your backup needs

First of all you need to evaluate your data protection needs and identify critical data that requires immutable backup protection. This includes production servers, sensitive data, and any other critical data assets.
Then define clear retention policies for your immutable backups. Determine how long backup data should be retained based on regulatory requirements and business needs.
Also consider the storage space required for immutable backups. Immutable data cannot be altered or deleted, so ensure you have adequate storage capacity.

Choosing the right backup solution

The best choice is to ensure immutable data storage and backup solution from a single vendor – this will certainly simplify data protection management and help with any technical questions and problems (which is natural, especially with implementation) and their identification. It will also save time and nerves 😉 Xopero Software offers comprehensive backup solutions that meets a wide range of data protection needs: backup software Xopero ONE and backup appliance Xopero Unified Protection.

Integrating with existing infrastructure

Ensure your chosen backup solution integrates seamlessly with your existing primary storage systems and cloud storage providers or provides its own immutable data store. Check if you can protect all the files in your organization – from servers, end devices of different OS, SaaS and virtual environments – and all with one solution.

Regularly testing your backup and recovery processes

Conduct regular tests of your backup and recovery processes to ensure that your backups are functioning correctly and that data recovery can be performed smoothly.


Immutable backups and the 3-2-1-1-0 backup rule

Since I have written about the best practices of implementing an immutable backup solution it would be a shame not to mention the golden rule of backup, which is the 2-3-1 rule. This backup rule has long been a best practice in data protection, emphasizing redundancy and reliability. BUT, since the malicious attacks on backups as well, this rule has been extended with more steps. The enhanced 3-2-1-1-0 rule builds on foundation to address modern data protection challenges.

Lets take a closer look:

3-2-1 Backup rule

  • 3: Keep at least three copies of your data.

  • 2: Store the copies on two different types of media.

  • 1: Keep one copy offsite to protect against local disasters.

Enhanced 3-2-1-1-0 rule

  • 1: Add one immutable copy of your data.

  • 0: Ensure zero errors by regularly testing backups and performing recoverability checks.


Practical example – implementing the 3-2-1-1-0 rule with Xopero Software

  1. Setup Xopero ONE:

    Install and configure software to manage your backup operations. 

  2. Ensure three versions of the data:

    Backup your primary data using Xopero, creating two additional copies. To guarantee the dislocation of copies, use Xopero Cloud storage, which will give you the ability to store copies even on another continent.

  3. Utilize two different media types:

    Store one backup on Xopero Unified Protection and another backup in Xopero Cloud.

  4. Keep one offsite copy:

    Ensure the backup is offsite, providing protection against local physical disasters.
  5. Add one immutable copy:

    Enable immutability for the cloud backup using Xopero’s immutability feature to prevent any changes once the backup is created.
  6. Ensure zero errors:

    Regularly test restore operations using Xopero ONE to verify backup integrity and recoverability. Use Xopero’s monitoring and reporting tools to ensure there are no errors in the backup process.

No doubt implementing immutable backups and following the 3-2-1-1-0 backup rule are essential strategies for robust data protection. These practices ensure that your data remains secure, accessible, and recoverable, safeguarding your organization against various threats and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. Using Xopero ONE, organizations can effectively manage backup processes and maintain the highest standards of data protection.


The best comprehensive solutions for immutable backups

So you already know what immutable backups are all about and why they are important in a data protection strategy. It’s time to move on to solutions that will allow you to implement the best protection for your data. I want to introduce you Xopero Sofware – solutions that provide a complete suite of backup and recovery features, including immutable data storage. It is designed to protect your data against various threats, ensuring data integrity and security.

In Xopero’s portfolio you will find 2 types of solutions: the Xopero ONE software for companies that want to use only cloud storage or have other storage (with Xopero ONE you can store copies locally, in S3-compatible clouds, or across multiple locations), and Xopero Unified Protection, a hardware backup that combines the advantages of the mentioned Xopero ONE backup software with a disk array, archiver and deduplicator. Each of these solutions integrates with object storage for immutable backup.

Key features of Xopero’s solutions

  • Protection for all your infrastructure – Windows, Linux, Mac workstations, servers, VMware and Hyper-V virtual machines, Microsoft 365, and the DevOps ecosystem

  • Advanced backup settings (along with immutability)

  • Various recovery scenarios

  • Encryption data in transit and at rest with own key

  • Secure SAML-based SSO authentication

  • Own secure Xopero Cloud and many, many more features.

Case studies – successful implementations of Xopero Software solutions

Many organizations have successfully implemented Xopero’s backup solutions, enhancing their data protection strategies and ensuring reliable data recovery. Check chosen case studies here:

What did you learn?

Immutable backups are an essential component of a robust data protection strategy. They ensure that backup data remains secure, unchangeable, and recoverable, providing peace of mind in the face of various threats. With increasing cyber-attacks targeting backup files, immutable backups stand as a fortress, ensuring that your backup data remains untouchable and trustworthy. This added security layer is indispensable for any organization looking to bolster its data protection framework. Additionally, it allows IT teams to focus on other critical areas of their operations, knowing that their backup data is secure and tamper-proof. This strategic advantage can lead to more efficient use of resources and a more resilient IT infrastructure.

Immutable backups represent the gold standard in data protection, providing a robust defense against a wide array of threats. Xopero Software solutions is at the forefront of this technology, offering businesses a comprehensive, reliable, and scalable option for safeguarding their critical data.

Integrating immutable backups into your existing infrastructure with Xopero Software is seamless. Xopero’s solutions are designed to be versatile and compatible with various primary storage systems and cloud environments, making the transition to an immutable backup strategy smooth and hassle-free. This flexibility ensures that businesses of all sizes can benefit from enhanced data protection without extensive overhauls of their current systems.

Furthermore, immutable backups are not just about security; they are about ensuring the longevity and integrity of your data. As businesses grow, so does their data. Immutable backups ensure that historical data remains accurate and intact, which is crucial for long-term business strategies and decision-making processes.

Book free meeting with our specialist to discuss your security challenges and data protection needs or try the full version of Xopero ONE 14 days for free.