Xopero Blog

Privacy Management in Microsoft 365

In the modern work environment, many companies switch from traditional in-office work to hybrid or even a fully remote working model. This is a cause for concern because in these situations people tend to more frequently switch between work and personal activities. This results in the increased amount of personal data roaming around multiple devices and clouds, and in effect making this data a perfect target for various attacks. That is one of the reasons why companies need to have a proper privacy policy in place, in order to protect personal data. And this is why Microsoft decided to introduce the Privacy Management tool into Microsoft 365 suite. In this article, we will take a closer look at Privacy Management in Microsoft 365, and how it can influence the way you think about privacy policies.

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Data compression – why should you compress your backups?

With the growing number of data created by the Business every day (week or month) some easy ways to shrink the size of backups would help to improve data storage management. If only… But there is a quite smart solution for this problem. And in this article, we will talk about it. As you probably guessed our today’s topic is backup compression, and how it helps create a better backup strategy.

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Grandfather-Father-Son backup – how does the GFS backup scheme work?

In the world of cybersecurity, we have a few problems that need to be solved. One of them is consistent data protection, where the backup has/plays a special role. There is this unattainable dream to keep all of your backup copies forever. Unfortunately for many organizations, such a task would be simply impossible to execute. Keeping backups requires storage space, which runs out quite quickly. 

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Why backup Microsoft 365? How to convince a non-technician that your organization needs a backup solution

If you are wondering whether your Microsoft 365 data is protected by the provider – the answer is definitely yes, but maybe not to the extent you have in mind. In this article, I will present to you the problems that come with Office 365 and why you need to protect it with a dedicated Microsoft 365 backup. We will also discuss how to convince a non-technical to the necessity of such an investment.

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How to recover deleted items from Microsoft 365 OneDrive with Xopero ONE

Nowadays there are so many ways to store your personal or business data. There is no doubt that OneDrive has become one of the most recognized services on the market. And even though Microsoft is doing its best to make sure your data is safe in its M365, there are still many ways in which your data can disappear. You can do things to make sure that even if data loss occurs it doesn’t affect your business continuity and in effect, your company doesn’t lose precious time and money. Having a proper backup of your data is one of those things. A proper Microsoft 365 backup allows you to easily recover deleted items. And in this article, we will take a closer look at how to recover deleted OneDrive items with Xopero ONE.

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Upgrading vSphere. Product from VMware, is already in version 7.

vSphere, as a comprehensive virtualization product from VMware, is already in version 7. While carrying out the process of updating significant patches of a given version marked with the letter “u” it is a virtually fully automated process, intuitive, and relatively safe. On the other hand, carrying out an upgrade from a lower to a higher version, on the other hand, is already dependent on many factors.

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VMware and why is it such a power on the market

VMware is currently leading the way on the market, and this is an unquestionable claim. Suffice it to say that, according to some statistics, VMware’s share in the hypervisor market exceeds 70%. But what really makes vSphere such a desirable product, and where does its strength come from? Are its technologies such as High Availability, or maybe we, the customers, decide about the power of this product?

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Amazon’s Twitch data leak / Apache HTTP Server 0-day / VMware ESXi targeted in a new campaign

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In the meantime, let’s check what happened in the cyber-world last week.

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What is VSWP File in VMware and Can I Delete It?

The simplest answer is yes, you can delete VSWP files. But you should rather ask if you really want to do it? At this time you probably figured out that VSWP is going to be the main topic of this article. We will start with answering what these files really are and why in most cases, their removal is challenging by the VMware hypervisor? Then we will move forward.

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