How to recover deleted items from Microsoft 365 OneDrive with Xopero ONE

Nowadays there are so many ways to store your personal or business data. There is no doubt that OneDrive has become one of the most recognized services on the market. And even though Microsoft is doing its best to make sure your data is safe in its M365, there are still many ways in which your data can disappear. You can do things to make sure that even if data loss occurs it doesn’t affect your business continuity and in effect, your company doesn’t lose precious time and money. Having a proper backup of your data is one of those things. A proper Microsoft 365 backup allows you to easily recover deleted items. And in this article, we will take a closer look at how to recover deleted OneDrive items with Xopero ONE.

How to recover OneDrive items with Xopero ONE

The first thing to remember is that in order to recover an item, you need to have performed OneDrive backup with Xopero ONE first. To see how to backup Microsoft 365 with Xopero ONE check out our previous article.

To recover an item from OneDrive that has been deleted, go to Microsoft 365 panel in your Xopero ONE administrator site. You can find it on the left side of the screen. 

On this site, you have a view of your Microsoft 365 organization in Xopero ONE. You can see the number of users with enabled protection, what backup plans have been assigned to that organization, and how the last backup went. As you can see in my last performed backup, there were problems with 7 users. 

Our organization has been assigned a Microsoft 365 Total Protection backup plan, which means that all of the users’ Mailboxes, Calendars, Contacts, and OneDrive files have been backed up. In this case, we will recover a OneDrive item for a user. 

In order to restore items, on the bottom right side of the organization panel click Manage & Restore. A list of all users in your Microsoft 365 organization will be displayed.

To restore an item, click the Restore button, on the right side of the user’s name.

After you click that button, a panel will appear containing all performed backups for that user. Choose a copy from which you want to restore data, and hit Restore

A panel will be displayed, where you can manage what data you want to recover. In our case, it will be a few important images, that have been deleted. To do that all is needed to be done is to check the checkboxes next to the item you want to restore. Then click Restore selected.

If you want to recover whole folders or even all the data, you can obviously do it. To recover a whole directory, just check the checkbox next to the folder. And if you want to recover the whole OneDrive backed up data, on the bottom of the panel click Restore all.

If you want to learn how to recover deleted emails in Microsoft 365 with Xopero ONE, check one of our older posts. 

The next step is to choose where you want to restore data to. You can choose to restore the data to a connected device, or to the OneDrive storage of any user of your Microsoft 365 organization. 

After you select a user to whom you want to restore data, hit Save.

Then you have an option to choose to which directory restored files will go. You can choose between creating a new directory or saving them in the original directory. In our case, we will restore to the new directory. 

To start the recovery process click Start now.

Information that the recovery process has started will be displayed in the corner of the screen. 

Now let’s go to OneDrive, and check if the recovery of the OneDrive items was successful.

Xopero ONE created a new directory in the main OneDrive directory, where we can find all of the selected recovery items. 

OneDrive recovery with Xopero ONE – a conclusion

Now you know how to recover OneDrive’s deleted items with Xopero ONE. Xopero ONE provides all-around security of your Office 365 data, protecting not only OneDrive items, but also Calendars, Contacts, and Office 365 mailboxes. 

Xopero ONE Backup&Recovery solution for Microsoft 365 offers:

  • Unlimited data retention – Store your data as long as you need, you set up how long you want to keep it.
  • Granular recovery – Take advantage of the fast, point-in-time recovery of only the files you want to recover – any folder, any files, any mailboxes, or even particular emails.
  • Central, user-friendly management #1 – simple, the most intuitive central management web console. Thanks to the most user-friendly interface, setting up efficient backup and recovering data are the simplest ever. 
  • Backup on-premise or in the cloud – You can choose where to store your copies, on your local machine, on your NAS device, or in the cloud AWS or Azure, it’s your choice!
  • Encrypted backup your data is always encrypted, choose a preferred encryption algorithm and length of the encryption key to make sure nobody, except you, can decrypt your information.

and many more…

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