Xopero Blog

Xopero is available through a new ABC Data Cloud Platform

Let’s start with a brief information about the Cloud Platform: it enables for global and local providers to offer their solutions in the form of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DraaS). For us it is a next important step, but it also means that our two cloud products – Xopero Cloud (dedicated for MSP and Public) and Xopero Cloud Personal (for small business and personal users) – are available to all resellers of this well-known distributor.

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TELCO – a hard nut to crack?

Xopero was established in 2009. At the time, the platform was called Opero and as it sometimes happens at the very beginning – this didn’t mean anything to anybody. As each startup company we had to make every effort possible to appear in clients’ consciousness. Polish market wasn’t ready for our product and the knowledge concerning cloud solutions was extremely limited. Our competitors were international companies with many years of experience on the global market. However, if we had been looking at our situation from this perspective at the time, we wouldn’t be where we are now. The cooperation with such TELCO brands as Orange and T-mobile made it possible for us to gain valuable experience.

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Data migration

All company IT systems sooner or later undergo modernization. Operational systems and data base versions change and business software evolves. Equipment and IT infrastructure are also upgraded from time to time. In connection with all these modifications it is sometimes necessary to perform the migration of resources to new hardware and software environment.  However, this operation raises many justified concerns among users.

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Mobile backup by Xopero Software

We are all aware of the fact that day by day, our smartphones are becoming a vast collection of data. Important documents, photos, passwords – losing them may cause a lot of damage – when it comes both to our work phones as well as private ones. So why not to use the application ensuring reliable file protection?

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Backup – How to protect ourselves

How to protect ourselves

It can be seen that cybercriminals are motivated by money and all computer users, without any exceptions, are vulnerable. If you get attacked by a ransomware virus, first switch your computer off. Some malicious software first shows the message concerning infection and then it encrypts our files. In such case we can prevent the encryption of at least some data. Files should then be restored by connecting the disc to a different computer, which hasn’t been connected to the network in order to eliminate for the virus the possibility to connect with the CnC server. Without this it is unable to encrypt files.

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